Delve into the groundbreaking research unraveling the complexities of the human brain with Europe’s ambitious Human Brain Project (completed 2012). Spanning across several European institutions this project created a comprehensive computer model of the brain, by utilizing insights from diverse sources such as rodent and lamprey experiments. The endeavor elucidated fundamental brain functions and disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
With access to cutting-edge technology and supercomputers, researchers are on the brink of simulating the brain’s intricate workings. The impact is profound, as understanding the brain not only promises to revolutionize diagnostics and treatment but also holds the key to reducing healthcare costs significantly. The Human Brain Project brought us one step closer to unlocking the mysteries of the mind and make transformative breakthroughs in neuroscience and medicine through collaborative efforts and ground-breaking discoveries.
The project Select-And-Act was completed in 2012, but the Human Brain project was running till 2023.