How many Pills? Ask your Genes


In a medical study, the European research project EU-PACT is investigating the link between genetic profiles and anticoagulant dosage, focusing on Anton van den Besselaar’s personalised treatment for blood clotting problems. The seven-country EU-PACT clinical trial is investigating whether the integration of genetic data improves the safety and efficacy of treatment. Early results suggest that tailored doses based on genetic variants could reduce bleeding events. Proponents see potential for widespread genotyping, but others urge caution due to inconclusive evidence and high costs.

The report highlights the potential of genetic testing to transform anticoagulant therapy, and emphasises the importance of continued research and accessibility.

The EU-PACT project was completed in 2013.


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Video How many Pills? Ask your Genes

  • 3:20
  • 1920x1080
  • 361.06 MB
  • 25fps, h264, mp4

BRoll footage How many Pills? Ask your Genes

  • 10:20
  • 1920x1080
  • 1126.94 MB
  • 25fps, h264, mp4

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