Twins help Progress and Diagnosis of Rare Myasthenia


Twin sisters, Marie and Camille, participate in Fight-MG, a medical research program funded by the European Union. While genetically identical, Marie battles Myasthenia Gravis (MG), an autoimmune disorder causing muscle weakness due to abnormal antibodies attacking neuromuscular junctions. This rare disease presents challenges in diagnosis and treatment, as it is often misdiagnosed due to its fluctuating symptoms and little-known nature. Doctors find it difficult to distinguish it from conditions such as depression.

Research on identical twins reveals genetic nuances that could be crucial in the onset of the disease. Sonia Berrih-Aknin from the Institute of Myology in Paris, France highlights discoveries of 50 distinct genes and a viral link to MG. Moreover, the identification of a new pathogenic antibody helps in accurate diagnosis, offering hope for previously undiagnosed patients.

Emerging therapies, such as mesenchymal stem cell treatment, show promise in reducing symptoms and disease severity. This research fosters optimism for effective and side-effect-free treatments in the future. Marie and Camille’s participation highlights the invaluable role of twins in unraveling the complexities of MG, bringing us closer to conquering this debilitating condition.

Fight-MG was completed in 2014.


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